
The present Offer contains terms and conditions of the Service Agreement of calculations from using payments service «POSB digibank online k» (Hereinafter - the "Services Agreement" and / or "Agreement"). The commission referred to in this Offer action is a confirmation of your consent to conclude the Agreement for the provision of services in the conditions, manner and amount set forth in this Offer. The following text of the Offer is addressed to individuals formal public offer POSB digibank online . to conclude the Agreement for the provision of services. Service agreement is concluded and takes effect from the date of individual actions under this Offer and signifies unconditional acceptance of all the individual conditions of the Offer without any exceptions or restrictions on the conditions of accession.

I. Terms and Definitions: Authorization - the process of analyzing and comparing the data entered by the user authentication, the results of which determined that the user has rights to access the services. Operator Service Authorization performed using software and hardware Operator Service. Authentication data - unique user name (email), password (password), used to access the Service from the Internet and the transactions within the Balance User Accounts. The authentication information is issued to users at the time of registration of the User on the Site. User Account Balance - the amount of money available to the user for the purpose of presentation of the Service Operator requirements on the implementation of payments in favor of the payee. User Account Balance formed by cash, pre-made by the user or on behalf of the benefit Operator Service. Block access, blocking access to your account, blocking access to the use of the service technical service setting in which user can not take advantage of the services use service. Locking performed Service Operators, including the User's request, in the cases and under the conditions specified in this Offer. Use of the Service - the User committing any act aimed at the management of its user accounts, make payments, receive consolidated information on payments made, as well as other services provided by the operator of the service within the Service. Using the service users in order to make a payment is permitted only with the prior replenishment Balance User Account in the amount not less than the amount proposed payment. Zero Balance - the state of user accounts, in which the amount of money available to the user for the purpose of presentation of the Service Operator requirements on the implementation of payments in favor of the payee is 0.00. Service Operator - POSB digibank online , provide a service of management, in relation to which the user has the right to demand payment for goods or make a payment or cash withdrawal. For the purposes of calculation, technological and information services Service Service Operator has the right to engage third parties. A negative balance - a condition User Account, in which the amount of money available to the user for the purpose of presentation of the Service Operator requirements on the implementation of payments in favor of the payee, has a negative value.

A negative balance may be formed as a result of user payments, the sum of which exceeded the cash balance, belongs to the user account in the time of payment. Payment - forming operation, certification and handover of a user in the Operator's address Service orders for transfer of funds based on the available balance user account in order to meet its liabilities to the user before the payee. Any transactions resulting in a change of obligations of the Operator of the Service to the User (without changing the available balance Balance User Account) are not recognized payment and can not influence the change of the current status of the user specified users Operators Service at the time of the operation. Payment service «POSB digibank online » (Service) - a service provided by the operator of the service aimed at the provision of user services for: (i) ensure the possibility of making payments; (Ii) collecting, processing, storing and providing information about the users of the consolidated making a payment; (Iii) awareness (on behalf of the User) to the payee of the perfect user fees; as well as other information technology services directly related with named above and necessary for their correct okazaniya.Servis allows registration of user accounts, user account management through the production and on the Internet transmission of documents (instructions). Organization of the work of the Service and the services in consideration of the mutual rights and obligations of the Parties made the Service Operator. User - a natural person with full legal capacity, in accordance with applicable law, committed a conclusive actions aimed at the conclusion of the Service Agreement through the acceptance of the conditions of the Offer, and has the authentication information to access the Service for its use in order to manage user accounts, recharge balance such user accounts and / or payment. A legal entity may be users of the service. Individual entrepreneur may be users of the service. Payee - a legal entity, individual entrepreneur and / or natural person having full legal capacity according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, carrying out activities on the sale of goods directly to end users for personal, family or household use, in favor of which the user calculates, using the Service . User Status - defines the state of the user in the Service, the Service is automatically installed by the Operator depending on the fact of committing user fees with the use of the Service. Status active users - all users' status, set by the operator user of the service, use the service to make payments at least once within a consecutive six (6) calendar months. Status of Inactive User - User status, operator installable service users do not use the service to make a payment for consecutive six (6) calendar months and / or provide the documents in accordance with the requirement of the Service Operator in case of blocking user accounts. The status of inactive users is assigned to the user in one of the following cases: (i) after the expiration of six (6) calendar months from the date of the last payment by the User with the use of the Service; (Ii) after six (6) calendar months of the lock Operator Service User Account according to any of the grounds provided by this Offer. Changing the status to inactive users Status active users is made from the date of use of users of the service (including after unlocking user accounts on the basis of the submitted request for the latest Operator Service documents). Parties - Service operators and users. Goods - goods, works and services, as well as the rights to results of intellectual activity, implemented by the payee to final consumers (users) for personal, family or household use. User Account - a record in the analytical account of the Operator Service, which is a means of cash accounting as provided by the user (or other authorized person) in order to replenish the balance of the user accounts and spent the User to pay Payments. ID of the user account in the Account Operators Service performs subscriber number of the user. Subscriber number, in order to use that does not require the conclusion of a contract for the provision of mobile services with mobile operator on paper, can not be specified as an identifier for user accounts. If the text of this Offer does not contain an unambiguous interpretation of a term, the User agrees to be guided first of all the interpretations given to the WEB-site Service.

II. Subject of the Agreement.
2.1. The subject of the Agreement concluded by the User by attaching to this Offer through committed conclusive actions stipulated by this Offer, is the provision of the Service Operator user services for the use of the Service for the purpose of the settlement by the User in favor of the payee.
2.2. In order to adequately provide operator services contracts concluded on the terms of the Offer, the User agrees to the commencement of the services to operators of their obligations under para.
2.1. the Offer to make a registration User Account in the Service in accordance with the procedure provided for in Chapter III of the Offer, and to make the completion of the Balance User Account in the amount at its discretion.

III. Registration of the User on the Site 3.1. For use of the right of the Service User undertakes to carry out the registration of the user account in the Service. Register user account in the service can be made through the Internet on the WEB-site of the Service and / or via mobile applications. Connection and access to the service Nominal purse is only through Internet.
3.3. For using the service capabilities (except for services included in the information package) User is obliged to ensure completion The balance of the user account in the amount at its discretion in the following ways: a) write-off of the corresponding amount of money from virtual accounts registered in the payment systems other than the payment service «POSB digibank online »; b) the disposal of a Balance of Payments Account service «Aleon Kredit».
3.4. From the moment of the user performing all the above steps to register user account in service and replenish the balance of a User Account, the user is entitled to exercise Use of the Service in its entirety, the manner and conditions contained in this Offer, other internal documents of the Service Operator and WEB- Service website.

IV. The procedure, terms and cost of using the service.
4.1. After the registration of user accounts and replenish the balance of a User Account, the user is entitled to exercise Use of the Service, including for the purpose of making a payment.
4.2. Making a payment made by the user through the formation, identification and transmission of the Service Operator instructions on making a payment in favor of a particular payee.
4.2.1. Identity instruction for making a payment is made by entering the user authentication data assigned to it at the time of registration User Account. Enter the correct authentication data is recognized by the Parties as a clear and indisputable confirmation of transactions, orders, demands and notices. The use of authentication data provides verification of the electronic document authentication and identity card face, signed it. Using authentication information in the electronic messages sent by the User for the purpose of authorization and using the service, it involves legal consequences similar to the use of handwritten signatures in accordance with the requirements of the Russian legislation and all documents related to the execution of the Agreement concluded on the terms of this Offer and the certificate authentication data recognized documents in writing. After validation by entering user authentication information and the balance is sufficient User Account To make a payment, the Service Operator notifies you of the arrival to the execution or refusal to execute the relevant order, depending on the test results.
4.2.2. Certificate of disposal to make a payment in return for the cost of the Operator's services provide users with the possibility of using the service after the establishment of a user's status is inactive user input authentication data of the user performing the registration of the User on the Site.
4.2.3. Operator Service Cost of services for the implementation of the disposal of the user making the payment is determined by the rates of the Operator Service. Cost of services for the execution of each individual order of the User shall be notified to the User at the time of formation of the last respective orders of payment. With the cost of the Service Operator Service is also available on WEB- Service website.
4.3. Informing users Operators Service to commit each transaction (payment) made by placing information in the section "Reports" on the Service website. The User is obliged to check the information in the section "Reports" at least 1 (one) times a day. If the user does not check the information on the transactions in the section "Reports" on the Service website, the Service Operator is not responsible due to the fact that the user has not received information about the operation. Sending SMS-message for confirmation is the right of the Operator of the Service, but not an obligation. User acknowledges and acceptance of this offer confirms that placing information on completed transactions in the section "Reports" on the website of the Service Operator Service obligation to inform the User performed properly.
4.4. The user acknowledges that the obligations of the Operator of the Service to the User to execute orders on making payments are considered to be fulfilled in full from the moment of cancellation of funds in the amount of payments from the correspondent account of the Operator Service in favor of the payee in accordance with the details provided by the user in accordance with Sec. 4.2 .1. this Offer.
4.5. Service operator does not regulate or control the legality of the transaction user with the payee, its conditions, as well as the fact and consequences of conclusion, performance or termination of the transaction, including with regard to a refund of such a transaction and payment of the user and / or payee applicable taxes and fees. As service operator does not consider the claims of the User relating to the non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their obligations to the payee of the transaction, including the obligation to pass the user purchased the latest Products.
4.6. Identification User Account may be effected in the following ways: a) the provision via the web interface of the Service Site of electronic copies of documents required from him; b) by any other means at the discretion of the service.
4.7. For the purpose of identification of the user is required to provide: a) the original identity documents; b) completed and signed by the user's consent to the processing of personal data (Appendix No 1 to this Offer).
4.8. In case of failure by the User of the documents specified in paragraph 4.12. this Offer within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the relevant requirements of the Service Operator, the Service Operator is entitled to unilaterally terminate the contract concluded on the terms of the Offer.
4.9. Service Operator reserves the right to unilaterally change the price of the Service Operator.

V. The rights and obligations of the User
5.1. The user has the right to use the Service in full, payment is made through the implementation of the relevant operations stipulated by this Offer, in the sequence determined by the Service. Detailed description of the Service Operator's continuously contained in the WEB-Service site.
5.2. The user has the right at its sole discretion, to use the service with its authentication data. Use of the Service is limited to the obligation of the User reproduce, repeat or copy, sell, and not to yield, and not used for any commercial purposes any of the items WEB-Site Service, and not to transfer to third parties access to the Service for WEB-site of the Service by such third parties referred to in this paragraph purposes.
5.3. The right to use the Service after the registration of the Account User is an exclusive and non-transferable. In the case of transmission to users of its authentication data to a third party, the user is fully responsible for the acts committed by such third parties with the use of the service, as well as for the damage caused by such third parties the Service, Operator Service and user accounts (including making payments due assets owned by the User Account).
5.4. User is obliged to keep their authentication data of the reach of third-party site. 5.5. The user acknowledges and accepts the fact that all operations in the Service are made only on the condition entered by the user the correct authentication data.
5.6. To sign the agreement on the terms of this Offer the user gives consent to the processing Services operator of personal data, namely the commission, including the following: the collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), use, distribution (including including transmission), depersonalization, blocking, destruction, in order to conclude with the Operator Service contracts, performance of contracts concluded, as well as to meet the requirements of regulations on combating money de ezhnyh funds laundering. These actions can be performed with the use of automation. The user also agrees to the transfer, to implement the actions envisaged by this paragraph, an operator of the Service of personal data to third parties in the presence of a duly concluded between the Operator and the Service by such third parties of the contract.
5.7. To sign the agreement on the terms of this Offer User grants Operator Service the right to carry voice calls, as well as giving consent to receive from the Operator of the Service (or borrowed them for this purpose a third party) SMS-messages to the subscriber number, and / or e-mail (e -mail), indicated by user when registering the user accounts in order to: a) increasing the level of security using the service, including for payments in favor of the payee; b) inform users about new products and services offered by the Service Operator; c) route messages advertising and informational nature, including goods and services provided by third parties; g) the confirmation of the direction of information requests the commission requested operations User Account Balance; d) the direction of the user with additional information on behalf of the payee, the benefit of which was to make a payment with the use of the service.

VI. Privacy and Security
6.1. The Parties undertake to adopt all the necessary security measures and protection of information and documents exchanged in services or are available to the Parties in connection with the use of the service.
6.2. The user undertakes to take all necessary measures to preserve confidentiality, prevent unauthorized use and protect their authentication data from unauthorized access by third parties.
6.2.1. User agrees not to communicate your authentication data to third parties.
6.3. Service Operator shall respect the confidentiality of personal data of the User, as well as other information about the User, which became known to the Operator of the Service in connection with the use of users of the service, except in cases when: ! such information is publicly available; ! Disclosure of the request or with the permission of the User; ! Information is subject to the provision of the contractors of the User to the extent necessary for the execution of the Contract entered into on the terms of the Offer; ! requires disclosure of information on the grounds stipulated by the legislation, or suspicious transactions, or when requested court or the authorized state bodies.
6.4. The Parties undertake to: ! not to carry out through the Service unlawful financial transactions, illegal trade operations legalization of proceeds from crime, and any other operations in violation of the law; ! To prevent the illicit trade in attempts, illegal financial operations, operations aimed at the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime.
6.5. Service Operator reserves the right to refuse the user to make a payment to the use of the service (to carry out blocking access to use of the Service), including in the event of doubt as to the legality of actions of the User, as well as actions under the terms of this User Offer. In this case, the Service Operator may require the user to: ! provide additional information on the operations of a user using the Service (including a documentary on paper); ! Presentation of documents (notarial copies of them) showing data identifies the user; Service Operator may not unlock the user account to the receipt and evaluation information and the documents mentioned in this paragraph. Evaluation of information carried by the Operator for 3 working days of receipt. service operator has the right to terminate the contract concluded on the terms of the Offer, unilaterally in case of failure of the User to provide the documents referred to in this paragraph and also in cases where the documents submitted and / or the analysis of user operations suggest that the use of the Service is carried out in violation of the conditions of the Offer and / or applicable law.
6.6. Service Operator shall continuously monitor the preservation of confidentiality of personal data of the User. Service Operator shall not use or disclose identifiable information for purposes not related to the design or delivery of documents, presentation of claims or settlements with users. Disclosure is permitted only in cases that user has been informed in advance at the time of receipt by him of such information, or with the consent of the user. In this case, the Service Operator may grant other persons access to information about users only when the user expressly expressed interest in their goods, works or services.
6.7. In the case of the Operator Service suspicion of unauthorized access (unauthorized access attempt) third parties to the User Account using authentication information of the user, or in the event of the expiration of the password the Service Operator offers the user to change the password.
6.8. Service Operator has the right at any time without prior notice to the User address to develop and put in place additional security measures using the service. On the introduction of additional security measures and the actions of Members in connection with the introduction of such measures (if applicable) Service operator places a notice on the Service WEB-site.
6.9. In case the User violates the obligations specified in Sections Aleon Kredit and Aleon Kredit of this Offer, including, including: in the case of suspicious transactions, in case of exceeding set out in this Offer restrictive limits on transactions, in other cases at the discretion of the operator of the Service, the Service Operator may without notice to block the User's access to use of the service for a period of elimination of the violation by the User (including the provision of documents (information) on the request of the operator ora Service) or permanently, with the termination hereof.
6.10. Service Operator has the right to write off money from the balance of the user account in the legislation and the present Offer cases.
6.11. Service Operator shall be entitled to block access to the user account in the case of the Service Operator ruling on seizure of cash Account. Appendix №1k public offer on the use of «POSB digibank online » payment service CONSENT I, . hereby give your personal data «POSB digibank online » and consent to their processing, namely the commission, including the following: the collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), use, distribution (including including transmission), depersonalization, blocking, destruction, with a view to concluding agreements with the Bank, execution of treaties establishing my identity, as well as to meet the requirements of normative acts on counteraction to legalization of funds obtained pres COUNTR Y means. These actions can be performed with the use of automation. I hereby give my consent to the processing of the following personal data: . 1) Date birth; . 2nd place birth; . 3) Citizenship; . 4) Document data, identity document (series, document number, issuing authority, date of issue of the document and other details); . 5) Information on the place of registration, accommodation; . 6) contact information (including phone number); . 7) Information about the places work; . 8) Data on family position; . 9) Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN); . 10) What are your biometric data, including photographic and other images. I hereby give my consent to the transfer of the Bank of personal data to third parties for the purpose of their processing. This consent is given for an indefinite period.